Seoul, KR, Dec. 16, 2022, 06:10 am EST
Wemade expands GameFi service for the growth of WEMIX PLAY Ecosystem

WEMIX PLAY, the blockchain gaming platform by Wemade, is releasing an expanded GameFi service to promote the growth of the ecosystem. The swap service has been added for various game tokens that make up the liquidity of the ecosystem

Game Fi, The latest service in the Wemix Play Ecosystem (Wemade Co., Ltd) img#1
Game Fi, The latest service in the Wemix Play Ecosystem (Wemade Co., Ltd)

Wemade expands GameFi service for the growth of WEMIX PLAY Ecosystem

WEMIX PLAY, the blockchain gaming platform by Wemade, is releasing an expanded GameFi service to promote the growth of the ecosystem.

The swap service has been added for various game tokens that make up the liquidity of the ecosystem of WEMIX PLAY.

  • Swaps service opens, supporting game token transactions based on immediate interactions
  • REFLECT listed on WEMIX.Fi to establish a shared growth structure for WEMIX ecosystem

The swap service of GameFi allows users to instantly exchange game tokens to pWEMIX$ based on immediate interaction with changes in the value of WEMIX employed in WEMIX PLAY. Users can also increase assets by obtaining a certain ratio of the transaction fee from staking game tokens and pWEMIX$.

In addition, REFLECT, a synthetic token of WEMIX PLAY, was listed on WEMIX.Fi as the first game token.

REFLECT is a synthetic token that can be created by fusing tokens that are registered in the REFLECT Alliance.

The newly registered game token can be received through Airdrop, and REFLECT, whose value increases accordingly, aims to generate the growth of both the synthetic token and individual tokens. It has a unique characteristic of linkage where the growth of the game leads to the growth of REFLECT, then to the growth of the platform.

By listing REFLECT on WEMIX.Fi, Wemade will connect the interoperability of WEMIX's mega-ecosystem and the economy across ecosystems to create a framework for shared growth.

WEMIX PLAY, on the other hand, which aims to be an open blockchain gaming platform is a web platform that provides a wide range of blockchain-based services including information of onboarded games, NFTs, auctions, and DeFi services such as tokens, REFLECT, swap, and staking.

Since its launch in July 2022, it continues to present P&E games of diverse genres, maintaining its position as the world leader in blockchain gaming platform. There are plans to release WEMIX PLAYER, an app player and a donation system that allows users to donate various tokens to influencers.